person quitting work and carrying a box full of his things

Leaving SEO: What It Feels Like and Where to Go Next

Over the years, the SEO industry has been quite rough.

Veterans say that this is the most unstable time for SEO, despite having decades of experience. Google themselves do not know what is actually happening with their search engines, and there are also clients who constantly question your worth despite your efforts to help them as much as you can.

If you’re here because you can’t take SEO anymore, then you’re in the right place.

In here, we’ve covered some choices that you can opt for if you’re already overwhelmed with working in this field.

After you’re done reading, you’ll more or less have an idea of where you’re going to go next after SEO — and with that said, let’s strap in.

Why Do SEO Professionals Leave the Industry?

If you’re feeling the strain of the SEO world, you’re not alone. Many SEOs think about shifting gears for a few common reasons:

Ever-Changing Rules

SEO feels like a game where the rules keep changing. Search engines update their algorithms frequently, making yesterday’s winning strategies obsolete today. This constant flux can be tiring as you’re always trying to keep up.

AI Taking Over

With AI and automation creeping into SEO, tasks like content creation and keyword research are no longer solely in human hands. It’s daunting when tools like AI start doing what you’ve specialized in, potentially making some aspects of your job redundant.

The Pressure Cooker

SEO is high-stakes, with pressure to deliver quick results. This can lead to stress, especially when it’s hard to show the immediate value of your efforts to clients or your own team. When expectations are sky-high, burnout becomes a real risk.

Which Careers Can You Consider Shifting Into From Doing SEO?

If you’re truly set on leaving SEO, then you could consider careers that are highly related to it—such as web development, data analytics, and so on. We’ve covered all of the choices extensively below, so read through each one if you’re interested.

1. Web Development

As someone deeply involved in SEO, especially in areas like content strategy and technical optimization, you’re perfectly positioned to transition into Web Development. Your understanding of user engagement and how to optimize content gives you a unique edge in creating websites that are not only visually appealing but also high-performing in search rankings.

By learning HTML, CSS, and perhaps diving deeper into JavaScript, you can start building websites that leverage your SEO skills to enhance user experiences and site functionality. It’s a chance to blend your strategic insights with technical creation, opening up new avenues for innovation and career growth.

2. Data Analytics

If you love digging through data to find those game-changing insights within your SEO work, Data Analytics could be a thrilling new frontier for you. This field deepens what you already do—turning data into decisions—but introduces more advanced statistical tools and software to broaden your impact.

Think of it as expanding your toolkit: you’ll not only understand trends but also predict them, influencing broader business strategies. It’s a natural fit for you if you’re looking to challenge yourself further and become a central figure in driving your company’s data-driven decisions.

3. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) or PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

Moving into SEM or PPC could feel like a natural step up from SEO. Here, you use your knack for keywords and optimization not just to rank organically but to win in the competitive arena of paid search. It’s faster-paced and results are immediate, which could be both exhilarating and rewarding.

You’ll manage budgets, craft targeted ad campaigns, and use real-time data to refine strategies, seeing the direct impact of your work on traffic and conversions. It’s an exciting, dynamic field that lets you apply your SEO expertise in new, impactful ways.

4. Python Programming

For those of us in SEO looking to dive deeper into technical skills, Python is a standout choice. It’s not just for tech enthusiasts; it’s a gateway to broader possibilities. Python excels in data analysis, automating mundane tasks, and even stepping into more complex roles in marketing and advertisement.

Imagine using Python to analyze big data or build bespoke models that predict consumer behavior—skills that are highly prized in larger organizations. Plus, if you’re already proficient in Excel, Python’s Pandas library will feel like a natural extension, making your transition smoother and more impactful.

5. Starting an E-commerce Store

Tired of client demands? Using your SEO smarts to run your own e-commerce store could be the refresh you need. This path offers the freedom to apply your skills to your own business, focusing on growth and creative marketing strategies without the stress of client management.

It’s about taking control, using your expertise to drive traffic and conversions, and building something truly yours. The initial phase might be tight financially, but the potential for growth and personal satisfaction is immense.

6. Sales

Considering a shift to sales? It’s a dynamic field where your analytical skills and client engagement experience can really shine. Whether it’s tech sales, medical equipment, or even financial services, your ability to understand and meet client needs makes you a strong candidate.

Sales roles often reward well for performance, providing a lucrative career path with opportunities for personal interaction and strategic thinking.

7. Product Management

For SEO experts who love strategy and oversight, product management could be the next big step. It’s about using our insights into customer needs to guide the development and marketing of products.

Imagine leading projects that integrate customer feedback with technical capabilities, driving the creation of products that people love and need. This role not only taps into your strategic and analytical abilities but also offers a chance to influence major business decisions.

8. Content Strategy

Move into content strategy to harness your SEO background in shaping comprehensive content initiatives. This role revolves around planning and executing content that aligns perfectly with both user expectations and business goals.

It’s strategic, creative, and analytical—a blend that’s ideal for those who’ve mastered the nuances of SEO and are ready to take on broader challenges.

9. Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

Aspiring to a leadership role? The CMO track might be your calling. Here, you’ll expand beyond SEO to oversee diverse marketing channels, crafting strategies that drive the entire organization’s goals.

It’s a role that combines strategic vision with the practical, data-driven skills you’ve honed in SEO, positioning you at the helm of the marketing department.

10. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

If you thrive on data and testing, CRO could be particularly rewarding. It’s all about optimizing web pages to boost conversions—a critical part of digital marketing.

You’ll run experiments, analyze results, and make data-driven decisions to enhance website performance. It’s fast-paced, impactful, and perfect for those who enjoy seeing their strategies translate directly into results.


Before ending, let’s go through some questions that might have popped into your mind as we discussed the topic of ‘leaving SEO’.

What are common signs that it might be time to leave SEO?

Common signs include feeling consistently overwhelmed by the rapid changes in algorithms, frustration with the uncertainty of SEO results, difficulty in proving your value to clients, and a general lack of passion for the field. If these feelings persist, it might be time to consider a career change.

How do I transition from SEO to another career?

Start by identifying the skills that overlap between SEO and your new field of interest. Consider taking specific courses or certifications to fill any skill gaps. Networking with professionals in the desired field can also provide insights and opportunities. Finally, update your resume to highlight how your SEO skills can benefit roles in other areas.

What should I consider before leaving my job in SEO?

Evaluate your current job satisfaction, career goals, and the potential benefits of a new career path. Consider the financial implications of a career change and the demand for skills in your chosen field. It’s also helpful to talk to others who have made similar transitions to gain perspective.

How can I explain my decision to leave SEO to potential employers in a new industry?

Focus on the positive aspects of the change, such as seeking new challenges, wanting to expand your skill set, or a desire to work in an industry more aligned with your interests. Emphasize how your SEO skills are transferable and can add value to their company.

Are there part-time or freelance opportunities that can help me transition out of SEO?

Yes, exploring part-time or freelance roles can be a great way to transition. These opportunities allow you to build experience and credibility in your new field while maintaining financial stability. Look for freelance projects or part-time positions that can benefit from your SEO and digital marketing skills.


As an SEO myself, Juan Remote Work is a passion project of mine that I decided to create to help alleviate the stress of working within the digital marketing space.

Read through the blog section for similar topics like ‘How to Deal with SEO Burnout‘, ‘Best CRO Projects for Beginners‘, and so on.

So, in conclusion, SEO isn’t the type of job that everyone can get accustomed to and love.

Some just wound up in it and decided to work within the industry because it’s the most reasonable choice since many view it as a good entry point for working remotely.

If you feel like you’ve had enough of the constant algo changes, AI doom and gloom news, and clients constantly questioning you—then that’s perfectly understandable.

I hope that some of the suggestions we’ve provided above can help you decide on which career path to pursue next. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to comment them down below.

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