female student that's carrying books with a blue background

13 BEST Online Jobs for Students in the Philippines [Easy Apply]

Both of us know why you’re here. Hard times, am I right?

If you’re like most of us, then it’s no joke that living in the Philippines, especially as a student, puts you automatically in survival mode.

You don’t want to add more load to your parents, or you want to start being independent—regardless of your reasons, you’re here because you want to find tips on what type of online work you can get as a student living here in the Philippines.

Thankfully, we’ve tailored this guide just for you.

In here, we’ve provided you tips on which online work is most feasible for you, and at the same time, added tips on how you can get started.

With that said, let’s look into the varying online jobs that you can try as a Filipino student.

What are the Best Online Jobs for Filipino Students Right Now?

Virtual Assistance, Online Tutoring, and marketing-related roles are what’s hot right now if you’re currently looking for a job while studying. These can be flexible roles that are also good for beginners, as well as for doing part-time.

Let’s look a bit deeper at each of these roles below:

1. Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant, you’ll manage tasks like scheduling, email sorting, and data entry from wherever you are. It’s all about being organized and efficient. If you’re good at juggling different tasks and like keeping things orderly, this could be a great fit.

How to Start

  • Learn Basic Skills: Master administrative tasks like email management, scheduling, and basic bookkeeping.
  • Join Freelance Platforms: Register on sites like Upwork, Freelancer, and VirtualStaff.ph where virtual assistant jobs are listed.
  • Set Up a Proper Workspace: Ensure you have a reliable internet connection and a quiet place at home for professional work.

ALSO READ: How to Write an Upwork Proposal That’ll Get You Hired

2. Online Tutoring

If you know a subject well, why not teach it online? You’ll help students learn and understand topics via video calls. It’s rewarding and offers flexible hours, perfect for fitting around your studies.

How to Start

  • Choose Your Specialty: Decide which subject you will teach—math, science, English, etc.
  • Register on Tutoring Platforms: Join platforms such as Tutor.com or Chegg Tutors to connect with students.
  • Prepare Your Equipment: Make sure you have a good headset, webcam, and stable internet for video sessions.

3. Social Media Management

Here, you get to use social media platforms not just for fun but for work. The job involves crafting posts, engaging with followers, and sometimes running marketing campaigns. Creativity and a good grasp of what’s trending will serve you well in this role.

How to Start

  • Learn Social Media Tools: Get familiar with tools like Hootsuite or Buffer for scheduling posts.
  • Build a Portfolio: Start your own social media pages or volunteer for small businesses to gain experience.
  • Apply for Jobs: Look for social media manager positions on LinkedIn and Indeed.

4. Graphic Design

Graphic designers create everything from website visuals to posters. It requires a good eye for design and proficiency in design tools like Adobe Photoshop. If you love being creative and can translate ideas into visuals, this could be the job for you.

How to Start

  • Learn Design Software: Become proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and other relevant software.
  • Create a Portfolio: Showcase your work on Behance or your personal website.
  • Look for Freelance Work: Join platforms like Fiverr or 99designs where you can find graphic design projects.

5. Content Writing

This involves writing articles, blogs, or web content. You need to be able to research well and express ideas clearly in writing. If you enjoy writing and researching, this role offers a lot of flexibility and the opportunity to work on a variety of topics.

How to Start

  • Enhance Writing Skills: Practice writing regularly and learn about SEO to improve your articles.
  • Build a Portfolio: Write sample articles and post them on your blog or website.
  • Find Writing Gigs: Check sites like ProBlogger and Freelance Writing Jobs for opportunities.

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6. Data Entry

Data entry might sound simple as it mostly involves typing information into databases, but it requires attention to detail and accuracy. It’s a good entry-level job if you’re looking to step into the professional world slowly.

How to Start

  • Learn Basic Software: Familiarize yourself with Microsoft Excel and other database software.
  • Practice Typing Speed: Use online tools like TypingTest.com to improve your typing efficiency.
  • Apply for Jobs: Look for data entry jobs on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer.

7. Customer Support

In customer support, you’ll interact directly with customers to help solve their problems or answer their questions. It’s great for people who are communicative and enjoy helping others.

How to Start

  • Learn Customer Service Skills: Develop strong communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Look for Part-time Roles: Many companies seek part-time customer support representatives, especially in telecommunications and tech.
  • Set Up a Home Office: Ensure you have proper equipment like a headset and a stable internet connection.

8. Translator

If you’re fluent in more than one language, working as a translator can be a great way to use your skills. You’ll convert written or spoken words from one language to another. It’s a job that not only pays but also expands your cultural knowledge.

How to Start

  • Master Languages: Be proficient in at least two languages. Specializing in languages that are in high demand can increase job opportunities.
  • Understand Cultural Nuances: Gain a deep understanding of the cultural contexts of the languages you will translate, which is crucial for accuracy.
  • Get Certified: Consider obtaining certification from a recognized translating body to enhance credibility.
  • Join Freelancing Sites: Use platforms like ProZ or TranslatorsCafe to find translation jobs.

9. Video Editing

Video editors turn raw footage into polished content for various platforms like YouTube or corporate websites. It requires technical skills in editing software and a creative touch to make videos engaging.

How to Start

  • Learn Editing Software: Master video editing tools such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve.
  • Practice Regularly: Start with small projects to build your skills. You could edit video clips for YouTube or community projects.
  • Create a Portfolio: Compile your best work to show potential clients or employers.
  • Network: Connect with other video professionals online and offline to find job opportunities and collaborations.

10. Podcast Editing

Much like video editing, but for audio, this job involves refining audio recordings to produce professional-quality podcasts. If you have an ear for sound and are detail-oriented, this could be a perfect match.

How to Start

  • Familiarize with Audio Software: Learn how to use audio editing software like Audacity or Adobe Audition.
  • Understand Audio Quality: Learn about different audio formats, how to clean up audio, and how to enhance sound.
  • Offer Your Services: Initially, you might want to offer your services at a reduced rate or volunteer to build your portfolio.
  • Market Your Skills: Use social media and podcasting networks to promote your services to podcast producers.

11. E-commerce and Online Selling

Running an online store means you’ll handle everything from the website setup to customer service. It’s ideal for those who have a knack for sales and marketing and enjoy the business side of things.

How to Start

  • Choose a Platform: Decide whether to sell on established platforms like Lazada or Shopee, or to set up your own website using services like Shopify or WooCommerce.
  • Understand Your Market: Research your target market and decide what products to sell based on what’s in demand.
  • Manage Inventory: Keep track of your stock levels and order supplies as needed to keep up with sales.
  • Promote Your Store: Use social media, SEO, and email marketing to drive traffic to your store.

12. Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, you promote products and earn commissions on sales through your links. It suits those who have persuasive skills and can create content that convinces people to buy.

How to Start

  • Select a Niche: Choose a niche that interests you and that you are passionate about. This makes content creation easier and more enjoyable.
  • Find Affiliate Programs: Join affiliate programs that offer products or services in your niche. Popular platforms include Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, and ClickBank.
  • Create Content: Build a blog, YouTube channel, or social media presence where you can post content and include your affiliate links.
  • Drive Traffic: Learn about SEO and social media marketing to attract viewers to your content.

13. Transcription

This job involves listening to audio recordings and typing them out. Accuracy and fast typing skills are crucial here. It’s straightforward but requires patience and attention to detail.

How to Start

  • Improve Typing Skills: Practice typing quickly and accurately. You can use online tools like TypingTest.com to improve.
  • Learn Transcription Software: Familiarize yourself with transcription software such as Express Scribe.
  • Understand Formatting Rules: Learn the standard formatting for transcriptions, which can vary by industry.
  • Start with General Transcription: Begin with more general transcription jobs to build your skills before moving into specialized fields like medical or legal transcription.

Can Students with NO EXPERIENCE Apply for These Online Roles?

Definitely! Everyone has got to start somewhere. Also, think of it this way: You’re already doing work as a student. That in itself is already an advantage compared to pursuing this after you graduate. Although there will be pros and cons, you CAN DEFINITELY apply for the roles we just listed out!

Check out our guide on how to become a freelancer here in the Philippines if you’re eager to start your journey!

How can students balance online work with their studies?

Balancing work and school can be tricky, but it’s all about planning. Create a schedule that separates study time from work hours. Tools like Google Calendar are great for keeping track of all your tasks and deadlines. Also, let your employer know your study schedule so they can have realistic expectations about your availability.

What challenges do students face with online jobs, and how can they deal with them?

Some common hurdles include juggling deadlines, managing a heavy workload, and keeping up with schoolwork. To keep on top of things, prioritize your tasks, make use of productivity apps, and don’t forget to take breaks to refresh your mind. Connecting with other freelancing students can also give you a support network and helpful advice.

What tools do students need for online jobs?

This depends on the job. For example, graphic design work will require software like Adobe Photoshop, whereas writing might call for a good word processor and SEO tools. There are often free versions or student discounts available, so keep an eye out for those to save some money.

It’s important to know about taxes and any contracts you might need to sign. Check with a legal advisor if you can, and make sure you’re registered with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) if you’re earning enough to need it. This keeps everything above board and protects you legally.

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How can students make sure they get paid fairly?

Do some research to find out the going rates for the work you’re doing. Online forums and communities in your field can be really helpful to get an idea of what you should be earning. Always use clear contracts that spell out how much and when you’ll be paid to avoid any misunderstandings.

How can students spot a good online job opportunity?

A good job post should have a detailed job description, company details, and a realistic salary. Steer clear of any job that asks you to pay for training or equipment or promises huge earnings with little effort. When in doubt, a quick company lookup and reading up on other people’s experiences can save you from scams.

How can students start building a professional portfolio or resume?

If you’re just starting, look for small gigs or volunteer opportunities to gather some initial experience. You can use platforms relevant to your skills, like Behance for designers or a personal blog for writers, to showcase your work publicly. These projects can lead to references and testimonials that beef up your resume.

What are the best part-time online jobs for students?

Technically, all of the ones we just listed. Graphic Design, SMM, and Content Writing are roles that I know offer part-time positions, regardless if you’re a student or not. It just depends on the client.


This site, at its core, aims to help Filipinos land their first juan remote work.

We know the struggle of finding a sustainable job that can help you survive day-to-day, especially as a student. To learn more about what we aim to provide, consider reading through our blog where we’ve also covered topics like ‘Conversion Rate Optimization Interview Questions,’ ‘How to Get Clients as a Freelancer,’ and much more.

In conclusion—resiliency is what we are known for. Even though it’s hard, just keep pushing forward.

If you happen to have any questions, don’t hesitate to comment them down below. And as always, we hope that we’ve helped you with this topic.

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